We are pleased to announce that we have successfully welcomed twelve new gentlemen of Pi Alpha Phi into our eternal brotherhood at the University at Buffalo! These individuals have endured tirelessly to resurrect their chapter, so be sure to give them a word of congratulations!
Special thanks to their educators, Pledge Master Juno Xiao from Drexel colony, Charter Class, and Pledge Dad Rolland Hoang from NCSU Tau chapter, Delta class, and all of the brothers who have paved the way for their success. This goes ESPECIALLY for the original University of Buffalo brothers from Charter class to Iota class!
Give a warm welcome to the Resurrection Charter Class -
#44 Raymond “E$COBAR” Cheng
#45 Joshua “Revelation” Jou
#46 Brian “Gelos” Yeh
#47 Aidyn “Immortal” Nehc
#48 Kenneth “Achilles” Koon
#49 Justin “Pericles” Lei
#50 HaoFeng “Ares” Li
#51 Johnathan “PO$EIDON” Cao
#52 Devin “Azyzzimus” Lam
#53 Gavince “Hermes” Lin
#54 Lukai “Insursio” Zheng
#55 Xiyi “Quicksilver” Zou