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Psi Chapter Announcement


Updated: Apr 19, 2020

“Pi Alpha Phi, the oldest Asian-Interest Fraternity, ignited a change at Iowa State University. A change that burns bright through the darkness. In the past, Asian student involvement was silent. This presented the opportunity for the Fraternity. In the Fall of 2014, 6 men came together to establish the foundations at Iowa State: Matthew Poczatek, Andrew Mun, Jack Powen, Kyle Hanson, Kyle Kilty, and Andrew Pochettino. While they each joined for different opportunities, the brotherhood still held true. When the colony started, there was a lack of presence of Asian Americans at ISU. Today, the chapter’s membership is integrated into many different organizations such as the Asian Student Union (ASU) and Vietnamese Student Association (VSA). The chapter members have helped lay the foundations of the Asian community at ISU. These men want to challenge themselves and the social stigmas that surround our APIDIA community. They are not afraid to have discussions revolving around topics such as racism, masculinity, inclusivity, mental health, and so forth. Demonstrating a true understanding of a values based organization. The colony has also embodied the values of the Fraternity through the five pillars. Not only have the numbers grown as an organization, but the chapter’s academics are at an all-time high. The chapter continually strives to be the best version of Pi Alpha Phi. The Iowa State University Chapter has been awarded the letter “Psi”


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