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Phong Dang Memorial Scholarship

On November 17, 2019, Phong Dang, a Founding Father of the UC Davis chapter unexpectedly passed away.

Phong exemplified the values of Pi Alpha Phi. He was both book smart and street smart. He preached that Pi Alpha Phi men need to be successful in academics, social settings, and in their careers. He held a lifelong thirst for learning. After earning his Bachelor of Science in Engineering, he also obtained real estate and mortgage licenses, and ultimately, a degree in Patent Law.

During his time at UC Davis, he worked to grow the chapter from 13 men to 44 strong brothers. After graduation, Phong was one of the first alumni to step up and provide support and guidance to the undergraduate chapter. He was a mentor at every meeting and he let everyone know in his own way, that he had high expectations for each and every brother who wore our letters.

It didn't matter who you were, what you did, or where you're from, he had the ability to build a bond with you. Many brothers will tell you that they had a special relationship with him. He was genuinely interested in helping you become the best version of yourself. He did this selflessly and always. He was there to cheer you on with his smile, a wink, and a thumbs up. His network is your network, his family and friends become your family and friends. And he always had an open invitation for you to join in his next adventure.

To honor Phong’s lifelong contributions to the Fraternity, the Gamma Chapter Alumni are establishing the Phong Dang Memorial Scholarship.

Please consider making an end-of-year tax deductible donation here:

** In the comment section, please put “For Phong Dang Scholarship”.

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